Polino Update Winter 2024
Dear Community Baptist Church,
We are so sincerely appreciative of your support. May God bless you ten fold! I hope to see you again soon.
This past quarter of ministry has been fruitful and beautiful! God has done incredible things in the hearts of people here in Quebec. Some of our neighbours seem to be believing now and are beginning to come to church with us soon. They have been regularly attending our City Groups (2x per month church gamily gatherings) and have found a lot of love from us.
We also saw two other neighbours come to faith! We are continuing to faithfully share the gospel with many! Here are some names of people that we have shared the gospel with who you can be praying for;
Nick & Tarah
Dominic & Anne-Marie
Eric & Shan-Shan
Eric V.
Michael B
Gilles (Jill, a man’s name)
Guillaume (Gi-yom, a man’s name)
We would ask that you please keep these names confidential for the sake of the individual’s privacy.
Over this past quarter the elders have decided it is time to start moving towards a new church plant. We are only in the beginning phases of this but we will be moving to a new area soon. When we moved here 2 years ago, this current church plant was only about 15 people. By God’s grace it has now grown to about 70-80! 30-ish of those people live in the area where we could possibly plant a new church.
This next quarter looks really exciting! We are hoping to move to that new area in the next 6 months. We will also potentially begin conversations with many who live there about becoming a church plant. Please pray for these people living in this area to rise up and declare they are ready to plant a new church. Pray that God will move in their hearts and bless them to love Him and the expansion of the kingdom. Please also pray for provision as we apply to purchase a home. If we move to this new area we will stay there for a minimum of 5 years. We have moved multiple times for ministry and are looking forward to stability.
God bless you and may you be filled with peace!
We are so sincerely appreciative of your support. May God bless you ten fold! I hope to see you again soon.
This past quarter of ministry has been fruitful and beautiful! God has done incredible things in the hearts of people here in Quebec. Some of our neighbours seem to be believing now and are beginning to come to church with us soon. They have been regularly attending our City Groups (2x per month church gamily gatherings) and have found a lot of love from us.
We also saw two other neighbours come to faith! We are continuing to faithfully share the gospel with many! Here are some names of people that we have shared the gospel with who you can be praying for;
Nick & Tarah
Dominic & Anne-Marie
Eric & Shan-Shan
Eric V.
Michael B
Gilles (Jill, a man’s name)
Guillaume (Gi-yom, a man’s name)
We would ask that you please keep these names confidential for the sake of the individual’s privacy.
Over this past quarter the elders have decided it is time to start moving towards a new church plant. We are only in the beginning phases of this but we will be moving to a new area soon. When we moved here 2 years ago, this current church plant was only about 15 people. By God’s grace it has now grown to about 70-80! 30-ish of those people live in the area where we could possibly plant a new church.
This next quarter looks really exciting! We are hoping to move to that new area in the next 6 months. We will also potentially begin conversations with many who live there about becoming a church plant. Please pray for these people living in this area to rise up and declare they are ready to plant a new church. Pray that God will move in their hearts and bless them to love Him and the expansion of the kingdom. Please also pray for provision as we apply to purchase a home. If we move to this new area we will stay there for a minimum of 5 years. We have moved multiple times for ministry and are looking forward to stability.
God bless you and may you be filled with peace!
Posted in Montreal